Well 1/2-2 on the Hummer prospect in PL143CS

Well 1/2-2 was drilled using the Maersk Giant jack-up rig and the well has now been plugged and abandoned. For further details, please also refer to the press announcement from the NPD on 2 February 2006. 
The main objective of the well was to test the "Hummer" prospect, reservoired in Palaeocene aged Forties Formation sandstones. The borehole encountered indications of hydrocarbons in the prognosed Forties reservoir, and a coring and logging program was undertaken.
The well reached a total depth of 3434 metres within the Ekofisk Formation. A full analysis of the data will now be undertaken to determine the remaining potential of the licence.
The Licensees in production License PL143CS are:
Paladin Resources Norge AS (operator)            45%
Det Norske Oljeselskap AS                              35%
BG Norge AS                                                  20%