On Tuesday February 14, 2006, the bondholders decided to change covenants for the bonds DNO03( NO 0010226574 ) and DNO04 ( NO 0010226582 ). As a part of the agreement, DNO ASA offers to buy back these bonds at a fixed spread over Nibor/Swap.
The settlement date is set for March 2nd 2006 at following prices:
DNO03 FRN 2009: 106,15%
DNO04 7,915% 2009: 108,26%
The offer is valid until Friday February 17, 2006 at 4PM (Norwegian time)
The repurchase will be arranged by Fearnley Fonds ASA.
Please contact Eivind Hadler-Olsen tel. +47 22 93 63 83, email [email protected], or Arnt Ove Takvam tel. +47 22 93 63 62, email [email protected].